Do you sing with a choir?


robin singing


Whether it's a classical choir, a community choir, or a church choir, do you sometimes wish you had someone you could turn to for a bit of extra help?

I can help with all your musical queries, in a relaxed and friendly environment. 


Would you enjoy your choir more if you felt truly confident about how YOUR part actually goes?

In a one-to-one lesson, we can spend quality time just concentrating on the part that you sing. As long as you have the sheet music, I can help you!


Is your classical choir working on something really challenging? Do you feel unprepared for your next performance?

I can help with the niggly difficult sections, answer any questions about the notation, and rehearse with you until you feel fully confident and prepared.


Would you love to learn how to READ MUSIC?

You're managing fine in your community choir, learning songs by ear, but have you noticed that the music-readers in your choir seem to learn the songs instantly?

I can teach you how to read music, so you can practise your part at home, and learn new songs more quickly.


Are you interested in MUSIC THEORY?

How is harmony created? What is a modulation? Is the system of sharps and flats a bit of a blur? Are there rhythmic patterns you've never really understood? What is the difference between an augmented 4th and a diminished 5th?

I can answer all of your questions, whether you want an occasional one-off session, or a more intensive course of study.


Can you improve your SIGHT-SINGING?

The skill of 'sight-singing' can be built up in gradual stages, much like learning to play an instrument. I can guide you through those stages, and give you progressive exercises to practise at home.


One-to-One Music Lessons


  • Lessons take place in Devoran, near Truro, Cornwall.


  • A graduate of the Royal College of Music, I have been teaching music for over 30 years, in London and Cornwall. 


  • I know that learning new things can feel challenging, even daunting. I am patient, encouraging, and don't mind how many times we need to go over something until you are confident. That's the beauty of a one-to-one lesson!


  • Book an occasional lesson, or take a short course of 3. If you want to learn to read music, or really increase your musical confidence, then arrange 10 lessons.


  • £47 for an hour.




wild flowers


"Things are such that someone lifting a cup or watching the rain, petting a dog or singing, just singing, could be doing as much for this universe as anyone"

 (Rumi - 13th century Persian poet)